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Association Des Commandants De Port De France

Association Des Commandants De Port De France (ACPF)

L’ACPF est une association qui regroupe les officiers de port et officiers de port adjoints qui occupent les fonctions de commandant de port dans les ports français.

Elle a pour objet de :

  • Poursuivre les mêmes buts que l’IHMA et d’associer ses adhérents à tous ses travaux
  • Développer et pérenniser les bonnes relations et la collaboration entre ses membres
  • Assurer la représentation de ses membres auprès des Organismes internationaux, européens ou nationaux, ainsi qu’auprès des administrations, collectivités et groupements professionnels.
  • Le Président de l’association est actuellement M. Yves JAOUEN, Commandant du Grand Port Maritime de Nantes-Saint-Nazaire.

Le Role Du Commandant De Port

Le commandant de port dirige la capitainerie du port, armée par des officiers de port et officiers de port adjoints, fonctionnaires d’Etat. Leurs missions peuvent se décomposer en :

  • Sécurité nautique et organisation du trafic maritime portuaire. Ils ordonnent les mouvements des navires dans le port et dans ses accès, ils assurent la police du plan d’eau.
  • Sécurité portuaire. Ils contrôlent les déclarations d’arrivée des navires, le respect des consignes de sécurité et notamment celles concernant le dépôt et la manutention des marchandises dangereuses.
  • Protection des ouvrages portuaires et de l’environnement. Ils veillent à la conservation du domaine public portuaire, des ouvrages, du balisage et à la prévention de la pollution.
  • Exploitation portuaire. Ils attribuent ou autorisent les placements des navires à quai, veillent à la bonne marche de l’exploitation portuaire en garantissant le respect des lois et règlements.
  • Sûreté portuaire. Ils s’assurent de la bonne application des mesures de sûreté dans le port, et peuvent occuper des fonctions d’agent de sûreté portuaire. Grâce à une solide expérience de marin, le commandant de port est un acteur essentiel dans les opérations portuaires, apportant son expertise dans la gestion quotidienne du port ainsi que lors des crises nautiques et dans la conduite des projets portuaires.


Le Ports de France

Les ports de commerce sont divisés en:

  • Grands Ports Maritimes, établissements publics de l’Etat: Marseille, Le Havre, Dunkerque, Nantes-Saint-Nazaire, Rouen, Bordeaux, La Rochelle et dans les départements d’outre mer : Guadeloupe, Martinique, la Réunion et Guyane.
  • Les autres ports relèvent des collectivités locales ou territoriales, soit des régions, des départements ou de syndicats mixtes.
  • Les Grands Ports Maritimes sont dotés d'une autonomie financière. Ce sont des établissements publics à directoire et conseil de surveillance. Les présidents de conseils de surveillance ou d'administration sont élus. Les présidents de directoires ou directeurs généraux sont nommés par l'Etat. Les conseils de surveillance des GPM ont 17 membres représentant l'Etat, les collectivités locales et territoriales, les milieux économiques, et les personnels de l'établissement public. De plus, les GPM sont dotés d'un conseil de développement à caractère consultatif qui associe des représentants de la place portuaire, des milieux sociaux et associatifs, et des collectivités locales de proximité. Ils exercent les fonctions d’autorité portuaire, la gestion des outillages étant transférée vers des opérateurs privés exploitant les terminaux portuaires.

Dans les ports décentralisés, le rôle d'autorité portuaire est assuré par la collectivité territoriale compétente. Les pouvoirs de police des capitaineries restent néanmoins de la responsabilité de l'Etat dans les plus importants d'entre eux. L'exploitation du port est en règle générale confiée aux Chambres de Commerce par le biais de contrats de concession. Ceux-ci concernent notamment l'exploitation des outillages et équipements du port.

French Ports


Le Havre 


Nantes Saint Nazaire 

La Rochelle 




Fort De France 

Port Reunion 

Degrad Des Cannes 


Boulogne Sur Mer 

Le Treport 




Saint Malo 





Le Guilvinec 


Les Sables D’olonne 

Rochefort / Tonnay-Charente  



Port La Nouvelle 








Ministère de l'Ecologie, du développement durable, des transports et du logement:


ACOPM, Morocco - L’Association du Corps des Officiers de Port du Maroc (ACOPM)

Latest News & Events

During the IHMA 14th International Congress in Morocco, the African Harbour Masters Committee (AHMC) held elections for its Executive Committee.

18 June 2024

The International Harbour Masters Association (IHMA) is pleased to announce this year’s award winners, celebrated at the 14th IHMA Congress in May.

The key theme of the 2024 event was The Marine Adventure – Evolving and adapting to change in today’s ports. Tanger Med Port Authority hosted the congress at the Tanger Med Port Center.

Role of Harbour Master/ Port Operations Professional
Port Call Optimisation
Ship image
Vessel Traffic Services
dock image
Emergency Management

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  • Worldwide exposure
  • Prominence on the IHMA website
  • Instant access to your services and products for your existing and potential customers
  • Access to the key decision makers on marine operations in Ports – the Harbour Master
  • The opportunity to showcase your services and products at an international congress every two years

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Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria
OceanWise Charting Water Workshop

Brought to you by OceanWise and Brewzone Africa - Join the first Charting Water Workshop entitled “Harnessing Environmental Data for Hydrography" which is running on the 15th - 16th April 2024 at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel Lagos, Nigeria.

Bringing hydrography professionals together from all over West Africa, this intimate 2-day workshop will provide you with practical knowledge, guidance and best practice. You will enjoy a mix of presentations, round table discussions and training. Our expert speakers will guide you through the latest developments, technologies and methodologies used in hydrography, helping you understand the importance of accurate marine environmental monitoring data to support marine operations and national infrastructure. We will also have a number of key real-world case studies and local experts in attendance to provide some best practice and recent hands-on experiences.

Full details of the developing programme and registration can be found here on our Eventbrite page

Registration is now open. Spaces are limited so please register now to secure your place.

What will it cover?
This workshop will provide you with practical knowledge, guidance and best practice. You will enjoy a mix of presentations, round table discussions and training. Our expert speakers will guide you through the latest developments, technologies and methodologies used in hydrography, helping you understand the importance of accurate marine environmental monitoring data to support marine operations and national infrastructure.

Who is it for and why should I attend?
This is for professionals with an interest in Hydrography based in, or working in, West Africa.
Ideal for individuals from a variety of industries including Ports, Harbours, Inland Waterways, Oil and Gas, Education, Navy, Maritime Authorities, Research and Development etc etc
It offers a friendly and interactive environment to expand your knowledge, network with fellow professionals and collaborate on real-world case studies.

Gain valuable insights from industry experts, share your experiences, and receive a certification of completion on day two

How do I book?
Visit our Eventbrite page for full details and registration

QE2, Port Rashid, Dubai - Grand Foyer

Harbour Master & Towgae Conference

Hollywood Beach Marriott
Navtech Conference, Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Navtech Conference 2023

Attention deep water and ocean towing masters, pilots, fleet management administrators, regulators and navigation operations professionals!

Join us in Fort Lauderdale for the maritime industry’s premier annual navigation forum!

Navtech, 5th and 6th December 2023, Hollywood Beach Marriott, Fort Lauderdale, Florida

  • Learn about developments in navigational best practices, technology and regulation.

  • Engage with the regulatory and manufacturing sectors about your experiences, and your challenges.

  • Get access to the operations sector that actually uses navigation hardware and software.

Tanger Med Port Centre, Morocco
IHMA Congress 2024

Join us on a marine adventure in Morocco. The 14th International Harbour Master Congress will take place at Tanger Med Port Centre from 21-24 May 2024. This year’s theme is The Marine Adventure – Evolving and Adapting to Change in Today’s Ports. You are welcome to come along for three days of presentations, deliberations and discussions covering every step of the port call process. On the fourth day, you can enjoy a guided tour of the Port of Tranger Med. To learn more, or to register for the event, please visit the IHMA Congress Website.



Tanger Med is the 1st port in Africa and in the Mediterranean.

It’s a global logistics gateway located on the Strait of Gibraltar and connected to more than 180 ports worldwide with handling capacities of: 9 million containers, exports of 1 million new vehicles, transit of 7 million passengers and 700,000 trucks on an annual basis.



In 2023, Tanger Med Port processed 8,617,410 TEUs*, marking a growth of 13.4% compared to 2022. This remarkable achievement, equivalent to 95% of the port's nominal capacity, was accomplished 4 years ahead of targets.

The outstanding performance is attributed to the successful operations of terminals TC1 and TC4, managed by Maersk-APM, and the continuous development of terminal TC3, operated by Tanger Alliance (A joint venture owned by Marsa Maroc with a 50% stake, in partnership with Eurogate holding 40% and Hapag Lloyd holding 10%). Additionally, 2023 witnessed record productivity levels, surpassing monthly peaks of 800,000 TEUs handled.

In 2023, 477,993 trucks were processed, representing a 4.1% increase from 2022. Industrial product traffic saw a significant surge of 14.3% compared to the previous year, offsetting a 7.7% decrease in agribusiness product traffic.

The two vehicle terminals in the port complex handled 578,446 vehicles in 2023, reflecting a 21% increase from 2022. This traffic primarily includes 341,758 vehicles for export, produced by Renault factories in Melloussa and SOMACA in Casablanca, along with 176,208 vehicles exported by the Stellantis plant in Kénitra.

Liquid bulk traffic experienced a 6% growth compared to 2022, a total of 9,838,157 tons of handled hydrocarbons. Simultaneously, solid bulk traffic witnessed a 44% increase from the previous year, totalling 581,042 tons processed.

In 2023, Tanger Med Port Complex welcomed 2,700,747 passengers, marking a 30% growth from 2022. This traffic has returned to pre-COVID-19 crisis levels.

Tanger Med Port Complex handled 122 million tons of goods in 2023, reflecting a 13.6% increase from 2022, with 21% in Import/Export. This recorded global traffic is highest at the Strait of Gibraltar and across the Mediterranean. This traffic also represents more than half of the total tonnage handled by all ports in Morocco.

In 2023, a total of 16,900 ships called at Tanger Med Port Complex, marking a 17% growth from 2022, including 1,113 mega-ships (over 290 meters), representing a 16% increase from the previous year.

These results underscore the relevance of the vision of His Majesty King Mohammed VI for this strategic project.
Tanger Med remains firmly focused on the future, ready to face new challenges and strengthen its position as a major logistics hub in Morocco and the Euro-Mediterranean region.

Crown Towers, Perth, Australia

For 25 years AMPI has been recognised as the professional body for developing, setting and leading in the evolution of industry standards, safety management protocols and advising regulatory bodies on matters related to Marine Pilotage.

As a globally recognised organisation and partner of the International Maritime Pilots Association (IMPA), we directly contribute to the work of the International Maritime Organisation. With over 260 active pilot members, we have the experience and know-how to develop widely recognised industry guidelines including initial and continual pilotage training standards. AMPI continues to influence the development of world-leading practice and in doing so brings a higher level of safety to the ports and regions where our members operate.

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Download the IHMA Constitution

The IHMA constitution sets out the establishment of a region of the IHMA, the committee role and authority, its formation and management.

Latest News & Events

Captain Thulani Dubeko AHMC President AHMC announces new Executive Committee

During the IHMA 14th International Congress in Morocco, the African Harbour Masters Committee (AHMC) held elections for its Executive Committee. FIND OUT MORE

IHMA Congress Award Winners 2024 IHMA announces 2024 Congress award winners

18 June 2024

The International Harbour Masters Association (IHMA) is pleased to announce this year’s award winners,… FIND OUT MORE

Latest News & Events

During the IHMA 14th International Congress in Morocco, the African Harbour Masters Committee (AHMC) held elections for its Executive Committee.

18 June 2024

The International Harbour Masters Association (IHMA) is pleased to announce this year’s award winners, celebrated at the 14th IHMA Congress in May.

The key theme of the 2024 event was The Marine Adventure – Evolving and adapting to change in today’s ports. Tanger Med Port Authority hosted the congress at the Tanger Med Port Center.