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Vessel Traffic Services

VTS is recognised internationally as a navigational safety measure through the International Convention on the Safety of Life at Sea 74/78 (SOLAS). In particular, the provisions in SOLAS Chapter V (Safety of Navigation) Regulation 12 provides for Vessel Traffic Services and states, amongst other things, that:

  • “Vessel Traffic Services (VTS) contribute to safety of life at sea, safety and efficiency of navigation and protection of the marine environment, adjacent shore areas, work sites and offshore installations from possible adverse effects of maritime traffic.”, and
  • “Governments may establish VTS when, in their opinion, the volume of traffic or the degree of risk justifies such services.”

IMO Resolution A.1158(32) Guidelines for Vessel Traffic Services describes the purpose of VTS, the regulatory and legal framework for establishing and operating VTS, the roles and responsibilities of Contracting Governments, competent authorities, VTS providers and participating ships and the qualifications and training requirements for VTS personnel.

VTS achieves its purpose by monitoring ship traffic and interacting with ships to provide information or issue advice, warnings, and instructions:

  • On factors that may influence ship movements and assist onboard decision-making.  This may include, for example:
    • position, identity, intention, and movements of ships.
    • maritime safety information.
    • limitations of ships in the VTS area that may impose restrictions on the navigation of other ships (e.g. manoeuvrability), or any other potential hindrances.
  • To manage ship traffic to ensure the safety and efficiency of ship movements.  This may include, for example:
    • planning ship movements in advance.
    • organizing ships under way.
    • organizing space allocation.
  • To respond to developing unsafe situations. This may include, for example:
    • a ship unsure of its route or position.
    • a ship deviating from the route.
    • a ship at risk of grounding or collision.

IMO Resolution A.1158(32) also provides the basis for governments to establish the regulatory framework for participating ships, under national law, to:

  • provide reports or information required by VTS;
  • take into account the information provided, or advice and warnings issued, by VTS;
  • comply with the requirements and instructions given to the ship by VTS unless contradictory safety or marine environment protection reasons exist.

IALA is recognized as an important contributor to IMO's role and responsibilities relating to VTS and  publishes standards and associated recommendations, guidelines and model courses specifically related to the establishment and operation of VTS to contribute to achieving worldwide harmonization of VTS.  For further information on VTS refer to the IALA VTS Manual –

IALA International Association of Marine Aids to Navigation and Lighthouse Authorities

IALA is a non-profit, international technical association. Established in 1957, it brings together authorities concerned with marine aids to navigation, as well as manufactures and consultants from all parts of the world, and offers them the opportunity to compare their experiences and achievements. IALA’s aim is to harmonize aids to navigation worldwide and to ensure that the movements of vessels are safe, expeditious, cost-effective and harmless to the environment. VTS documentation and standards in the form of standards, recommendations, guidelines, brochures and the VTS Manual are available free of charge for download under the “Publications” tab on the IALA website.

Aids to Navigation (AtoN)

Aids to navigation can take the form of fixed or floating marks that may be lit or unlit, including lighthouses, leading lines, buoys and beacons. A vessel traffic service (VTS) can also be categorised as an AtoN, albeit a very sophisticated and relatively costly one. The mix of AtoN used in a port or waterway is determined by means of a risk assessment, which takes into account the local geography, traffic patterns, vessel size and manoeuvrability, local hydrographic conditions and weather patterns. IALA publications include guidance on maintenance and location of AtoN.

Latest News & Events

International efforts to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping took a step forward as the IMO's Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 18) concluded its latest round of discussions.

IHMA is proud to introduce the refreshed Port Information Guide logo!

Role of Harbour Master/ Port Operations Professional
Port Call Optimisation
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Vessel Traffic Services
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Southern Cape Sun Hotel
The second African Harbour Masters Committee Seminar

The African Harbour Master committee (AHMC), an African chapter of the International Harbour Master Association (IHMA), will be hosting it’s second seminar for African Harbour Masters. The seminar will be hosted by Transnet National Ports Authority in Cape Town, South Africa from 2 – 4 April 2025 in partnership with the Port Management Association of
Eastern & Southern Africa (PMAESA)

The Theme of the seminar is “Navigating the future – Sustainable Port Management in Africa.”

The discussions spanning 2 days will focus on technical presentations and panel discussions covering topics such as port infrastructure, single window, and gender equality.

Speaking to the IHMA Secretariat on the launch, Capt. Thulani Dubeko, President of the AHMC, said: “The second meeting of African Harbour Masters looks to build on the excellent work achieved at our inaugural event in Tangier in 2023. African Harbour Masters must continue to work together, share ideas and learn from one and another in order to keep abreast of the ever chaning maritime industry."

The event will be held at the Southern Cape Sun Hotel. Programme details and event registration to be released shortly.


Belfast Harbour Office
IHMA Seminar Belfast

Building on the successful European Harbour Masters Committee Seminars, the IHMA is proud to present the first IHMA Seminar in Belfast on 21-23 May 2025. IHMA Seminars will now be held every two years in non-Congress years.

IHMA has chosen ‘BEYOND CONVENTION – Innovation through diversification’ as the theme for the Seminar which will be hosted in Belfast by Belfast Harbour Commissioners from 21 to 23 May 2025.

The seminar will look at how harbour masters are preparing for the profound changes which are affecting the port industry today and into the near future. The intense focus on decarbonisation in every aspect of business is a critical driver in the need for ports to look at innovation through diversification – to go Beyond Convention.

The IHMA Seminar will quickly become established as an important event for IHMA members, industry stakeholders, innovators and suppliers across the global ports sector to collaborate, network, share information, and provide updates on the latest industry technology and solutions and fill the gap between Congress events.

Alongside the high-class debate and discussion on the conference floor an exhibition showcasing port marine products and innovation is available. This conference and exhibition offer sponsors and exhibitors a unique opportunity to connect, build relationships and do business with the principal decision makers for global port and marine operations.

Sheraton Saigon Grand Opera Hotel - Grand Ballroom, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Integrating Dredging in Sustainable Development Conference


As a distinguished professional, working in the fast changing world of dredging, waterborne transport infrastructure or related industries, you are invited to join us at an event on 18 October 2024 in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam which is dedicated to advancing industry knowledge in the arena of sustainable dredging and related topics.

Joining this event also gives you the unique opportunity to network with more than 60 CEOs and senior management of IADC member companies and PIANC platinum members. Therefore, you are also welcome at our special pre-conference networking drink/dinner on Thursday 17 October 2024. 

This exclusive 1-day conference will be organised at the prestigious Sheraton Saigon Grand Opera Hotel in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. By attending you have the opportunity to meet professionals from all sectors, involved in the realisation of sustainable dredging projects and sustainable waterborne transport infrastructure with a strong focus on Climate Change and ‘Working/Building with Nature’. Participants will originate from around the world, making it possible for you to take your network to an international level.

Who should attend?

Professionals and companies aiming to deliver dredging projects with longevity which also maximise the benefits to society, nature and economy will find this event to be of particular relevance. The Conference ‘Integrating Dredging in Sustainable Development’ will bring essential knowledge for planners, designers, decision makers, regulators, contractors, project owners and environmental advocates. Register by 15 September 2024 to secure your place as space is limited.

The programme

During this day full of interaction and discussion the focus is on two cases, a "greenfield case” and a "brownfield case". In business and project development, a "greenfield case" typically refers to a scenario where a project is initiated on previously undeveloped land or in a completely new and untouched environment. It contrasts with a "brownfield case," where development occurs on land that has been previously developed or used for industrial or commercial purposes.

Four Points by Sheraton Hotel, Lagos, Nigeria
OceanWise Charting Water Workshop

Brought to you by OceanWise and Brewzone Africa - Join the first Charting Water Workshop entitled “Harnessing Environmental Data for Hydrography" which is running on the 15th - 16th April 2024 at the Four Points by Sheraton Hotel Lagos, Nigeria.

Bringing hydrography professionals together from all over West Africa, this intimate 2-day workshop will provide you with practical knowledge, guidance and best practice. You will enjoy a mix of presentations, round table discussions and training. Our expert speakers will guide you through the latest developments, technologies and methodologies used in hydrography, helping you understand the importance of accurate marine environmental monitoring data to support marine operations and national infrastructure. We will also have a number of key real-world case studies and local experts in attendance to provide some best practice and recent hands-on experiences.

Full details of the developing programme and registration can be found here on our Eventbrite page

Registration is now open. Spaces are limited so please register now to secure your place.

What will it cover?
This workshop will provide you with practical knowledge, guidance and best practice. You will enjoy a mix of presentations, round table discussions and training. Our expert speakers will guide you through the latest developments, technologies and methodologies used in hydrography, helping you understand the importance of accurate marine environmental monitoring data to support marine operations and national infrastructure.

Who is it for and why should I attend?
This is for professionals with an interest in Hydrography based in, or working in, West Africa.
Ideal for individuals from a variety of industries including Ports, Harbours, Inland Waterways, Oil and Gas, Education, Navy, Maritime Authorities, Research and Development etc etc
It offers a friendly and interactive environment to expand your knowledge, network with fellow professionals and collaborate on real-world case studies.

Gain valuable insights from industry experts, share your experiences, and receive a certification of completion on day two

How do I book?
Visit our Eventbrite page for full details and registration

QE2, Port Rashid, Dubai - Grand Foyer

Harbour Master & Towgae Conference

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Latest News & Events

IMO progresses talks on greenhouse gas reduction from shipping IMO progresses talks on greenhouse gas reduction from shipping

International efforts to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping took a step forward as the IMO's Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 18)… FIND OUT MORE

IHMA releases new port information guide logo IHMA Releases New "Port Information Guide" Logo in English, French, Spanish and Arabic

IHMA is proud to introduce the refreshed Port Information Guide logo!


Latest News & Events

International efforts to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping took a step forward as the IMO's Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 18) concluded its latest round of discussions.

IHMA is proud to introduce the refreshed Port Information Guide logo!