Harbour Master
Harbour Masters
Worldwide there are approximately 3,000 merchant ports and the work of the Harbour Master can vary widely from country to country and from port to port even within the same country.

“The Association gives me the confidence that I have a huge resource of knowledge at my disposal. It gives me access to advice and knowledge from colleague Harbour Masters to support me in my role.
The constant interaction between Harbour Masters – exchanging views and ideas – the willingness of some to share information, the workshops on issues and finding of solutions to worldwide challenges, it all is extremely valuable to me.”
- IHMA Member
IHMA is the leading association dedicated to the needs of its members who hold managerial positions in marine operations and work in ports large and small, public and privately owned.
In different countries and languages, the Harbour Master may be known as the Capitaine du Port, Port Commander, Hafenkapitaen and so on, and the role normally associated with the title of Harbour Master may be undertaken by those described as their deputies as well as Marine Operations Managers, VTS Managers, Maritime Director, and there are many other titles. IHMA welcomes members who are not called Harbour Masters but work in port operations and may be at any stage in their career.
Members of IHMA may have a role in some or all of the following: the safety of navigation, vessel traffic control, shipping movements, port management, protection of the marine environment, the ship-shore interface, safety management and training, and in port security. Through our professional expertise and experience we provide valuable advice and services to our members.
IHMA offers a wide range of benefits to its members. Some of these are provided free of charge whilst others are offered at discounted rates:
The members’ area of the Association’s website hosts an on-line forum where members can exchange information quickly and benefit from the knowledge and experience of other members. When a member posts a question, an alert email is sent to all members requesting a response. Posting an answer is quick and easy.
The IHMA Congress, held every two years, offers a conference programme that presents quality professional papers on topical issues of direct relevance to members.
Congress provides a unique opportunity for members from around the world to discuss subjects of mutual concern and interest.
Congress is supported by an exhibition of the latest port and harbour equipment and services.
Members are eligible for discounted Congress and Seminar fees.
IHMA has observer status at IMO and IHO. Reports of the proceedings of IMO Committees are circulated to members and made available in the members’ only section of the website together with selected documents of interest to members.
Members are able to participate in IMO Working Groups and Correspondence Groups.
IHMA works to develop information and resources for its members, and the Association supports the participation of its members in these efforts in order to ensure that relevant information is developed and made available to members.
The Secretary is available to provide advice and information to all members.
IHMA has observer status at IMO. Reports of the proceedings of IMO Committees are circulated to members and by arrangement, members are able to participate in IMO Working Groups and Correspondence Groups.
International Diploma for Harbour Masters - IHMA discount and bursary. Members are eligible for a 15% discount on the cost of the International Diploma for Harbour Masters run by Lloyd's Maritime Academy. In addition members are invited to apply for bursaries awarded by IHMA.
Members are able to participate in cutting edge research and the development of projects of direct relevance to harbour masters. This may be in partnership with other organisations.
Members of IHMA’s Council are keen to engage with and offer support to members.
Members may advertise senior port operation positions free of charge on the IHMA’s website.
The IHMA values a good relationship with companies developing products and services that may assist Full members in the performance of their professional duties. Commercial members are entitled to;
Congress Papers
Past congress papers are available in the members’ section and by application to the Secretary
The Association offers Full, Associate, Senior, Commercial and Honorary membership. Senior members must previously have been Full members, and Honorary members are elected by the members.
Membership of IHMA is available in the following categories:
These members comprise the majority of the Association’s membership.
IHMA seeks to be inclusive of those who manage the marine operations of a port and / or its approaches. Persons who hold a managerial position in marine operations and exercise jurisdiction over the frontage or water area of a port or port approach are eligible to become Full members of IHMA. In undertaking their role they often possess an authority conferred on them by law, regulations or rules.
Someone meeting the criteria above may also become a Full member by being nominated to membership of IHMA by a National Administration.
Persons, organisations, companies and any other bodies that provide goods or services for reward in ways that assist members in the performance of their professional duties or who wish to support IHMA in the attainment of its aim and objectives are eligible to become commercial members.
The IHMA values its well established and mutually beneficial relationships with companies developing products and services that may assist members in the performance of their professional duties. Commercial members are entitled to:
People meeting the requirements for Full membership but appointed to membership annually by a National Administration or an organisation that operates multiple ports.
Those who are not in a post qualifying them for Full membership but who consider that they can support the aim and objectives of IHMA may apply for Associate membership.
Honorary Membership, which is a lifetime award, is reserved for persons who are not ordinarily eligible to become members of the Association and may be offered to anyone who has rendered meritorious service in the field of port, harbour or marine operations or to the Association.
These members are drawn from the ranks of the Full members, usually when vacating a post that qualified them for Full membership or on retirement. A Senior member must previously have been a Full member for at least two years.
A 30 per cent discount is applied to the subscriptions of members resident in countries listed in the lower two quartiles of the United Nations’ Human Development Index. Further details can be obtained from the Secretary.
Combined national individual member subscriptions collected by a national point of contact and made as one payment are also eligible for a percentage reduction as agreed by ExCo.