Harbour Master
Harbour Masters
Worldwide there are approximately 3,000 merchant ports and the work of the Harbour Master can vary widely from country to country and from port to port even within the same country.

In mid -January the US Coast Guard announced from Pensacola, Florida, that the crew of the USCGC Decisive returned to their homeport of Pensacola on 13 January following a 33-day patrol in the Eastern Pacific Ocean, concluding 55 years of service to the Nation.
Canada has become the latest country to accept amendments to the Convention on the International Maritime Organization (IMO) which will expand the size of the Council, extend the term of its Members, and recognize three additional language texts as authentic versions of the Convention.
The ICC International Maritime Bureau (IMB) calls for efforts to be sustained worldwide as maritime piracy and armed robbery attacks reached their lowest recorded level in almost three decades.
The International Maritime Rescue Federation* World Maritime Rescue Congress (WMRC) 2023 is the largest event of its kind in the world, open to all with an interest in SAR.
The event will include a number of talks, discussions and workshops.
In December it was announced that Maritime and Port Authority of Singapore (MPA) officer, Mr Tan Hanqiang, First Secretary (Maritime), High Commission of the Republic of Singapore to the UK, had been appointed by the IMO as Vice-Chair of the IMO Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC). It is understood that the appointment was effective from 16 December 2022. Mr Tan succeeded Mr Harry Conway (Liberia).
IMO has been assisting the Maritime Affairs Authority, Yemen, to put in place a legal framework that gives full and complete effect to IMO instruments dealing with maritime security.
Port-Safety have attracted an investment from Ultranav to grow the business and expand the pursuit of improved marine safety and savings lives. Together with the investment from Ultranav, additional funding has been secured from The Danish Growth Fund (“Vækstfonden”).
A propeller technology capable of substantially reducing the underwater radiated noise (URN) generated by ships’ propellers has been developed by Oscar Propulsion Limited and the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow.
Harbour safety is a critical concern for port and terminal operators, yet traditional safety equipment often falls short—prone to corrosion, high maintenance costs, and poor visibility in critical situations. These challenges put workers at risk and increase operational inefficiencies.
International efforts to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping took a step forward as the IMO's Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 18) concluded its latest round of discussions.