Harbour Master
Harbour Masters
Worldwide there are approximately 3,000 merchant ports and the work of the Harbour Master can vary widely from country to country and from port to port even within the same country.

The International Harbour Masters’ Association (IHMA) is pleased to let you know that the detailed agenda for the 9th IHMA Congress to be held in Bruges – Ghent, Belgium 2014 has been published. Please see attached document for further details.
Please find here a list of the members and organisations registered to attend as per 1/2 March 2014:
Algeciras Bay Port Authority; APM Terminals Bahrain; AS Kunda Nordic; Associated Icelandic Ports; Australian Maritime Systems; Barcelona Port Authority; Bremer Schiffsmeldedienst; Copenhagen Malmo Port; Dover Harbour Board; Dublin Port Company; Eilat Ashkelon Pipeline Co; Falmouth Harbour Commissioners; Fremantle Ports; FSI - Primorsky Region Maritime Port Administration; Germanischer Lloyd SE; Ghent Port; Company AMPC; Groningen Seaports; Hamburg Port Authority; Hansestadt Bremisches Hafenamt; Klaipeda State Seaport Authority; Klein Systems Group; Kolding Havn; Murmansk Maritime Port Authorities; Namport; Plymouth University; Port Hedland Port Authority; Port of Aalborg; Port of Amsterdam; Port of Antwerp; Port of Cork; Port Of Gothenburg; Port of London Authority; Port of Moerdijk; Port of Portland; Port of Rotterdam; Port of Tallinn; Ports of Marseille - Marseille-Fos; Prince Rupert Port Authority; Rosslare Europort; Royal Dirkzwager; SMSC; Sohar Industrial Port Company; SSPA Sweden AB; St. Petersburg Maritime Authority; Taman Maritime Port Administration; The Nautical Institute; Toros Tarim San. Ve Tic. A.S; Transnet National Ports Authority; United Kingdom Maritime Pilot's Association; Vanino Maritime Port Administration & Vysotsk Maritime Authority
Pharetra lectus vitae elit sollicitudin, ut commodo tellus dapibus. Sed pellentesque quis enim faucibus laoreet. Aliquam eleifend sagittis augue, pellentesque purus.
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