Harbour Master
Harbour Masters
Worldwide there are approximately 3,000 merchant ports and the work of the Harbour Master can vary widely from country to country and from port to port even within the same country.

Global Saptial Technology Solutions (GSTS) is excited to announce it has been selected with Port of Montreal as one of three finalists for the #IAPH2024 Sustainability Awards in the Digitalization category. Our project nomination was selected from 71 submissions across the globe.
The judges panel comprises 70% of the score, 30% of the score comes from a public vote – the voting is open until midnight September 13 CEST.
We would great appreciate your support/promotion through your channels: newsletter, social media posts and any other mechanisms available with the call to action: Vote Today: #IAPH2024 Sustainability Awards - World Port Sustainability Program (sustainableworldports.org). Please vote for the Port of Montreal in the Digitalization category.
Of significance, is that GSTS’ nomination meets the assessment criteria of 5 Relevant UN SDG Goals, which is the largest number in this category. Additionally, the project has also received recognition for supporting Climate and Energy as well as Environmental Care initiatives.
More information: https://sustainableworldports.org/project/port-of-montreal-embracing-ai-powered-collaborative-intelligence-to-facilitate-jit-arrivals/