Harbour Master
Harbour Masters
Worldwide there are approximately 3,000 merchant ports and the work of the Harbour Master can vary widely from country to country and from port to port even within the same country.
IMO’s Facilitation Committee has adopted amendments to the Facilitation (FAL) Convention which will make the single window for data exchange mandatory in ports around the world, marking a significant step in the acceleration of digitalization in shipping. The amendments are expected to enter into force on 1 January 2024.
An IMO event known as Maritime Single Window 2024 – A window of opportunities was organised by IMO at its HQ in London on 18 and 19 January 2023 with IAPH and BIMCO and with the support of IPCSA.
This event brought together institutions (including IHMA), governments, port authorities, industry associations, shipowners, and those involved in the industry from around the world to discuss the benefits and opportunities for maritime trade arising from the application of the Maritime Single Window, the MSW.
A programme of the event is available here:
Speakers’ executive biographies are to be found here:
An introductory video to MSW is downloadable here:
Secretary-General’s opening remarks
In his opening remarks to the event IMO Secretary-General Kitack Lim said:
‘Excellencies, distinguished delegates, ladies and gentlemen, I am very pleased to welcome you all to the Symposium on Maritime Single Window 2024 – A window of opportunities, jointly organized by IMO, IAPH and BIMCO, with the support of the International Port Community Systems Association (IPCSA).
‘We have speakers and participants here, in the IMO Headquarters in London, and are also joined remotely by colleagues from all around the world.
‘Most of you will be aware that IMO's Facilitation Committee adopted last year amendments to the FAL Convention which will make the establishment of maritime single windows compulsory for ports around the world from 1 January 2024.
‘The previous set of amendments to the FAL Convention, adopted in 2016, had already introduced the obligation to establish an electronic exchange of relevant information between ships and ports.
‘However, the new obligation of establishing single windows in ports is a significant step towards accelerating digitalization in maritime trade.
‘Today's Symposium will showcase how the application of maritime single windows presents an opportunity for all stakeholders in shipping and a necessary step forward.
‘It is part of our imperative to highlight these opportunities, as we are now one year away from the new requirement.
‘Over the next two days, we will be hearing from over 40 distinguished speakers across six panels, sharing their experience and perspectives of how maritime single windows can set us on track to accelerate the digitalization and decarbonisation aspirations of international shipping.
‘Our panellists will cover how maritime single windows fit in with national digitalization strategies and the greening of shipping objectives. Panellists will also highlight a pragmatic approach to implementing maritime single windows as well as discussing possible architectures of maritime single windows to suit Member States’ trade facilitation objectives.
‘Further light will be shed on the concept of interoperability: understanding how to apply industry standards to harmonize electronic data exchanges; port call data requirements and data quality, as well as strategic partnerships and available resources.
‘IMO and the shipping community stand ready to embark on strategic partnerships and the provision of resources to interested Member States to find tangible solutions as we voyage together towards the forthcoming new obligations under the FAL Convention.
‘I would like to thank all our speakers, moderators and participants, both here at IMO and remotely, for their dedication and conviction to support the facilitation of trade and the development and application of maritime single windows to accelerate digitalization.
‘Now it only remains for me to wish you an inspiring event with takeaways that can assist you and your teams in the journey to create a single window environment for maritime transport.
‘Thank you.’
Picture captions
The assembled delegates at the IMO Symposium: The Maritime Single Window 2024.
Delegates successfully spoke by remote means from Angola and Namibia.
Illustrations per www.imo.org
IMO ©.
During a meeting on 4 December 2024, the International Hydrographic Organization Nautical Information Provision Work Group (IHO NIPWG) held a vote on the new Guide for Nautical Data 2.1. The guide was unanimously endorsed.