Harbour Master
Harbour Masters
Worldwide there are approximately 3,000 merchant ports and the work of the Harbour Master can vary widely from country to country and from port to port even within the same country.

The role of port managing bodies is expanding in a more complex port ecosystem, we learn.
Both the public role and commercial expectations are on the rise for European port managing bodies. This was one of the key messages of the European Sea Ports Organisation’s Trends in Ports’ Governance 2022 report, which was published at the ESPO Conference in Valencia on 2 June.
The 2022 edition clearly demonstrates how Europe’s seaports nowadays cover a wider scope of activities and responsibilities than before. While there has been a clear move towards corporatisation for many years, the strategic role and public responsibilities have come to the forefront again: European ports were instrumental in guaranteeing supply of essential goods during the Covid-19 pandemic, Europe’s ports are an important element to ensure the resilience and security of energy supply following the Russian invasion of Ukraine and they are central to Europe’s long-term energy transition.
In addition, the role of European port managing bodies has become more active in a more extensive port ecosystem. Beyond their traditional landlord function, many port managing bodies are active initiators, facilitators or even co-investors in areas such as digitalisation, circular economy and energy.
This 2022 report also highlights the trend of cooperation, either between ports, or with other stakeholders in the port ecosystem and beyond. The degree of cooperation varies from creating coalitions of the willing on a specific issue to full mergers.
It is understood that that every five years, ESPO carries out an extensive Port Governance Fact Finding Survey. More than 70 port managing bodies covering 20 Member States participated in the survey which forms the basis of the Trends in Ports’ Governance 2022 report.
ESPO’s report may be found here:
International efforts to curb greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from shipping took a step forward as the IMO's Intersessional Working Group on Reduction of GHG Emissions from Ships (ISWG-GHG 18) concluded its latest round of discussions.
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